TREWGrip - Next Evolution in Enterprise Mobility
Introducing TREWGrip™
TREWGrip - Research & Development Kit
research & development kits available
Designed for innovators and early adopters. Experience the benefits of TREWGrip, and start developing more productive enterprise mobility solutions.
Award Winning Design
bridging the productivity gap between laptops and tablets
Take a tour of TREWGrip with Lucas Cochran from the Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet.
Learn mobile QWERTY
By maintaining the QWERTY keyboard layout, mobile workers can leverage their existing keyboarding skills and Learn TREWGrip in about 1-hour.
Learn Mobile QWERTY
Cincy Typing Challenge
Eight qualifiers were given five days to practice with TREWGrip before competing against each other and McGurrin’s 98 WPM for a Grand Prize of $5,000. Robert Price typed 115 WPM with TREWGrip to win the Cincy Typing Challenge.
In the media
CNN Wired CBS News NBC News Today Tech Gizmodo CNET Laptop Magazine Yahoo Tech The Verge Wall Street Journal Los Angeles Times USA Today Huffington Post Macworld
ergonomic handheld keyboard
Are you interested in the TREWGrip Mobile Dock as an ergonomic keyboard or assistive technology? Contact a US or Canadian authorized reseller to learn more about the ergonomic benefits of TREWGrip.