In the media:
Posted April 5, 2016
"Boot Camp - Tired of the same old keyboard. Meet TREWGrip. I’m Fred Fishkin with
technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. When it comes to keyboards for
computers and tablets, nearly all are pretty much the same. Not so with
TREWGrip…spelled t r e w g r i p. You hold it up in the air with two hands….it can
also double as a game controller or air mouse…"
Posted March 9, 2016
"IDG Connect - TREWGrip has had something of a tumultuous journey. When we first
spoke to founder Mark Parker, he described his mobile-docking-station-come-keyboard
as a 'two-handed mobile and ergonomic data-entry device that changes how we work and
interact with everything from mobile devices to Smart TVs.'”
Posted March 8, 2016
"CIO Review - Portability is a term which is synonymous to the present world. In a
fast paced life, people prefer multi-tasking on the go. And like people, technology
too is becoming multipurpose. A testimony to this is the R&D kit from TREWGrip,
named TREWGrip Mobile Dock."
Posted March 7, 2016
"Boot Camp - Interview with TREWGrip Founder Mark Parker."
Posted March 1, 2016
"Creativity Hacker - But TREWGrip completely avoids that problem, because the
designers did something no other keyboard I’ve ever seen has thought to do: they
preserved the traditional QWERTY layout."
Posted July 7, 2015
"Voices of VR Podcast - Doing text and data entry into virtual or augmented reality
can be a challenge since it’s difficult to see or find the keyboard. It’s an open
problem within the VR space, and so people started suggesting to Mark Parker that
his handheld TREWGrip keyboard might provide a solution for these immersive
Posted May 5, 2015
"Cincinnati, OH - When Mark Parker and his team created the TREWGrip Mobile Dock, a
mobile keyboard featuring a 'rear typing' design, his goal was come to the aid of
the large number of professionals, specifically those in the healthcare field, who
spend the workday on their feet. He was unaware that many of those same healthcare
professionals would recommend his product to their patients."
Posted March 9, 2015
"The Vancouver Sun - Digital Life writer Gillian Shaw takes a look at the new
TREWGrip. The TREWGRIP is a handheld keyboard and game controller with a split
QWERTY keyboard so you can hold it in your hands to type or play games."
Posted March 6, 2015
"Digital Life - Στο ShowStoppers event που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του MWC στη
Βαρκελώνη παρουσιάστηκαν ορισμένα καταπληκτικά gadgets, τα οποία αν μη τι άλλο
διακρίνονταν για τον καινοτόμο χαρακτήρα τους. H εταιρεία TREWGrip παρουσίασε ένα
καινοτόμο προϊόν το οποίο αναμένεται να λύσει τα χέρια όλων όσων θέλουν να
πληκτρολογούν με μεγάλη ταχύτητα αλλά και άνεση με το smartphone τους."
Posted March 3, 2015
"heise online - Tasten auf der Unterseite einer gebogenen Tastatur als Eingabegerät
für Smartphones und Tablets? Klingt abwegig, funktioniert aber erstaunlich gut."
Posted March 2, 2015
"iPhoneItalia - Al Mobile World Congress 2015 di Barcellona è apparso un
interessante gadget che potrebbe servire agli utenti che scrivono molto con il
proprio smartphone, ma non solo. Parliamo di TrewGrip, una nuova tastiera portatile
dal design molto particolare."
Posted March 2, 2015
"Global Technology - As people enter text using the phone every day an increasing
number of keyboard requirements are also increasing. Because of the limited size of
the phone screen, enter the experience has been less than ideal. To solve this
problem, TrewGrip has launched a mobile-specific external iOS and Android smart
mobile devices, handheld keyboard."
Posted February 7, 2015
"TechPodcast - TREWGrip provides an efficient solution that combines the best
aspects of mobile devices with the easier to use keyboards that come with
Posted January 16, 2015
"aNewDomain - We’ve seen our share of Bluetooth keyboards for phablets, tablets and
even our mobile phones in recent years. I shared my experience on a Bluetooth
keyboard I’ve used. There’s a slew of Bluetooth keyboards for tablets, but please.
There has to be a compelling reason for consumers to buy yet another one. In comes
TREWGrip with an interesting twist. Here’s our bottom line..."
Posted January 9, 2015
"Into Tomorrow is back in Las Vegas for the 2015 International CES. Dave Graveline
interviews Mark Parker from TREWGrip keyboard for mobile devices."
Posted July 23, 2014
"The Ohio-based TrewGrip plans to ship its namesake mobile keyboard this fall and is
already taking preorders. I got a chance to try out a prototype of the TrewGrip in
advance of its fall release, spending a few days familiarizing myself with this
backward approach to typing. The verdict? The TrewGrip definitely offers a creative
way to make it easier to type in text on your smartphone or tablet."
Posted June 25, 2014
"NEW YORK (CBS New York) — A wild looking keyboard called ‘trew grip’ works with
everything from your smartphone to your TV."
Posted May 24, 2014
"The next evolution in typing is here. TREWGrip is the keyboard accessory that’s
making typing on the go easier than ever. Learn more about the handheld “rear-type”
keyboard from Founder and CEO Mark Parker."
Posted May 22, 2014
A company called TREWGrip, which makes a handheld rear-type keyboard and air mouse,
is the first to offer crowd discounts...
Posted April 10, 2014
"CES on the Hill, an invitation-only event produced by the Consumer Electronics
Association (CEA)®, returns to the nation’s capital on Wednesday, April 30. This
curated tech showcase provides policymakers the opportunity to interact with the
technology companies and products that are transforming the way we live, work and
Posted February 26, 2014
"Dayton, OH - TREWGrip, LLC, the grand winner of Fund My Idea! received a waived
$500 fee from TEC to access its various entrepreneurial services..."
Posted February 14, 2014
"Into Tomorrow - This is a compilation of products and services that Dave Graveline
and the “Into Tomorrow” Team selected as our Top Ten Picks for CES 2014..."
Posted February 6, 2014
"Freedom's Phoenix - Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock talks to TREWGrip
Founder Mark Parker..."
Posted January 30, 2014
"Yahoo Tech - TrewGrip is a handheld keyboard that places your keys on the back of
your gadget. You have two options: You can either strap your smartphone to the
Posted January 14, 2014
"WCPO Cincinnati - Developed in Blue Ash, the device turns the flat, traditional
keyboard into a mobile-friendly tool for life and work in the digital age..."
Posted January 10, 2014
"NBC News - Mobile typists usually have to settle for touch keyboards or small
plastic add-ons, but the folks behind TrewGrip are looking to change that. The
TrewGrip literally flips the lid on traditional keyboard design..."
Posted January 9, 2014
"Cincinnati Business Courier - A Cincinnati startup is getting some love in Las
Vegas, nominated for an award by a big online tech publication at the Consumer
Electronics Show..."
Posted January 9, 2014
"Wall Street Journal - The WSJ Personal Tech team combs the Consumer Electronics
Show for the craziest, coolest, and best products..."
Posted January 8, 2014
"CNN - Some of the best gadgets at CES are the weirdest. The Mobile QWERTY keyboard
from TrewGrip takes the traditional computer keyboard, splits it, flips it and puts
it on the back of a hand-held keyboard, where you will press them without
Posted January 8, 2014
"Discovery Channel - We're here at Eureka Park where it's all about innovation..."
Posted January 7, 2014
"Phandroid - The TREWGrip keyboard will catch your eye immediately. It’s definitely
not slim or svelte. It’s somewhat large, has an accordion-like form factor, and
looks unlike other products on the market..."
Posted January 6, 2014
"Wired - This bizarre looking keyboard is TREWGrip, a device-agnostic, ergonomic
keyboard and mouse. Imagine a QWERTY keyboard, split in half, each half rotated
outward 90 degrees, and your mobile device docked in the center..."
Posted January 6, 2014
"CNET - A whole new take on the keyboard..."
Posted January 6, 2014
"Macworld - The TrewGrip keyboard for phones and small tablets takes a standard
QWERTY keyboard, splits it in two and flips it around, so that you type as if you're
holding a steering wheel..."
Posted January 6, 2014
"Chicago Tribune - Robert Price of TREWGrip LLC demonstrates a TREWGrip handheld
rear-type keyboard and air mouse for Apple and Android tablets. Instead of having to
rely on your thumbs..."
Posted January 5, 2014
"LA Times - Among the odder offerings is TREWGrip, an in-the-works keyboard that is
held upright like a steering wheel. The keyboard was designed specifically for small
Posted January 5, 2014
"GeekWire - Finding that perfect physical keyboard for your mobile device can be a
pain and TrewGrip thinks it has a great solution. The company’s handheld keyboard
straps onto a smartphone or tablet and features a full QWERTY layout, albeit in a
unique place..."
Posted January 5, 2014
"The Verge - TrewGrip's Kickstarter campaign failed to reach its $100,000 goal, but
that doesn't mean its founders have given up on their dream of bringing "rear
typing" to the masses. TrewGrip today debuted its titular product, ..."
Posted January 4, 2014
"Las Vegas, NV - Oftentimes lost in ocean of new tech are the young startups behind
some of these most innovative products. It’s not just the Samsung’s, Sony’s, and
Microsoft’s making a splash – hungry startups from all over the world head to Vegas
ready to disrupt."
Posted December 18, 2013
"TECHFASTER: CES 2014 Editors Picks - This strange looking device is the TREWGrip
mobile keyboard. Their website describes the device as a handheld 'rear-typing'
device and air mouse for your mobile technology, smart TV and desktop.”
Posted October 12, 2013
"IDG Connect - Crowdfunding sites are offering a new path for inventors with
original ideas. We talk to inventors looking to gain the public’s favor with
something new to offer. Is this a business of the future?"
Posted September 10, 2013
"WCPO Channel 9 News - Cincinnati-based Outlier Technologies developed the prototype
for the mobile keyboard. Your device attaches in the center and you type on the
backside. It also means you can work on the go without being forced to sit at your
Posted August 25, 2013
"El Pais - Un empresario de Estados Unidos crea un periférico curvo, con la botonera
en la parte inferior y compatible móviles y tabletas"
Posted August 14, 2013
"MidwestValleyNews - The QWERTY keyboard layout must feel as familiar as baseball in
the summer to the vast majority of people in this age..."
Posted August 13, 2013
"BitRebels - Most of you will probably think this is yet another attempt to reinvent
the keyboard..."
Posted August 13, 2013
"TDG - Sending out short messages using the touch screen of a smartphone is
relatively easy. It becomes difficult when trying to compose lengthy messages..."
Posted August 12, 2013
"Mobility Tech Zone - Outlier Technology wants to end the pain of hunt-and-peck
typing on tablets and mobile phones with its new mobile typing device..."
Posted August 12, 2013
"CNET - The curved TrewGrip is a "rear-type" keyboard that can dock with an iPhone
or other mobile device for text input on the go..."
Posted August 7, 2013
"TabletNews - One of the initiatives on Kickstarter that involve a tablet is
TREWGrip Mobile, that is basically a handheld typing device and air mouse for
handsets and tablets, smart TVs and even desktops. It’s not exactly a keyboard..."
Posted July 26, 2013
"Cincinnati, OH - Some of the fastest fingers in the tri-state got a work out on
Thursday evening. The Cincy Typing Challenge had contestants competing..."
Posted July 25, 2013
"Cincinnati, OH - The Cincy Typing Challenge Finals were held Thursday at the
Cincinnati Museum Center. Seven finalists from Saturday’s public competition met in
head to head competitions. Robert Price, of East Walnut Hills..."
Posted July 18, 2013
"Cincinnati, OH - At first, the idea of a typing contest may strike you as a
throwback. But, in the digital age millions of us spend more time at keyboards than
we might have predicted. So, it could actually be an opportune moment..."
Posted July 14, 2013
"Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati is gearing up for a rematch. In the first-ever
professional typewriting contest, held in the Queen City 125 years ago, our own
Louis Traub was bested by touch-typer Frank E. McGurrin. The results..."
Posted July 12, 2013
"Cincinnati, OH - If a device allowed you to type on your smartphone or tablet as
fast as you could on your keyboard while walking, no less, would you use it? That's
the hope of Mark Parker, president and founder of Blue Ash..."