Learn TREWGrip
Learn TREWGrip
TREWGrip Learning Curve

By maintaining the QWERTY keyboard layout, typists can leverage their existing keyboarding skills and learn TREWGrip in about 1-hour. (30-50% of flat-keyboard typing speed)

With continued use, most typists achieve 90-100% of their flat-keyboard typing speed within 8-10 hours.

Typing Tutor

The Typing Tutor is designed to transition your “touch-typing” skills to TREWGrip, and begins with a progression of six different hand isolation typing exercises. Within about 1-hour, you will go from sight-typing back to touch-typing.

Progressive Training
Typing Games
Typing Games
Take your mind off the keys and start relying on muscle memory as you set personal high scores in a number of speed typing games.
Typing Test
Put TREWGrip to the test! Take a baseline typing test before beginning the Typing Tutor. Then take it again afterwards and compare the result.
Typing Test
Are you ready to learn TREWGrip?

Purchase an R&D Kit, setup a free training account, and start learning TREWGrip. The R&D Kit includes a Mobile Dock unit, and the accessories needed to start learning TREWGrip using existing technology platforms.

Get Started